Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Create Word Document Using PHP

//1. create the MS Word Object.s
$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instantiate Word");

//2. specify the MS Word template document (with Bookmark {firstname} inside)

$template_file = "";

//3. open the template document


//4. get the username from database.

$user_name = "Jignesh";

//5. get the bookmark and create a new MS Word Range (to enable text substitution)

$bookmarkname = "firstname";

$objBookmark = $word->ActiveDocument->Bookmarks($bookmarkname);

$range = $objBookmark->Range;

//6. now substitute the bookmark with actual value

$range->Text = $user_name;

//7. Write Image to word file.


//8. save the template as a new document (c:/reminder_new.doc)

$new_file = "name2.doc";


//9. free the object


$word = null;

echo "File Successfully Created.";

/* Check Bookmark available or not in the document.

//then create a Range and perform the substitution

$objBookmark = $word->ActiveDocument->Bookmarks($bookmarkname);
$range = $objBookmark->Range;
//now substitute the bookmark with actual value
$range->Text = $current_date;



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